Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel Can Time Travel, Says Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson has revealed that the MCU version of Captain Marvel is able to time travel.

Samuel L. Jackson has revealed that the MCU version of Captain Marvel is able to time travel. There’s been growing speculation that time travel will prove crucial to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a lot of evidence that Avengers: Endgame will see Earth’s surviving heroes attempt to rewrite history and either avert or undo Thanos’ snap.

Those theories were possibly confirmed in the post-credits scene for Ant-Man & the Wasp, which saw Scott Lang stranded in the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is a subatomic plane of reality where the normal laws of time and space break down completely, and in theory, it could be used to travel through time. Significantly, before Scott entered the Quantum Realm, Janet Van Dyne warned him not to get caught up in any “time vortexes.” But until now, the mystery has been just how this subtle theme of time travel would inform Captain Marvel.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Samuel L. Jackson has just revealed that the MCU’s version of Captain Marvel is able to travel in time under her own power. Describing the sheer scale of Captain Marvel’s powerset, Jackson explained:

“She’s pretty much the strongest character — in terms of someone with powers are able to do things — in the Marvel universe. So, for Carol Danvers to be that person and for Brie to become that person, it’s gonna be a dynamite thing. I mean, [the Avengers] are up against some really, really tough odds right now — we saw throughout Infinity War — so now we know that we need something that’s as powerful as Thanos. And at some point, we’ll find out how powerful she is and all the things that she’s capable of. She’s one of the few people in the Marvel universe that can time travel, so…”

According to Jackson, then, Marvel has deliberately introduced a superhero with enough power to take on Thanos himself. Staggeringly, though, Jackson even suggests that Captain Marvel has the ability to travel through time. This is a very different powerset to the one Carol Danvers possesses in the comics, and it supports a popular theory that the MCU version of Captain Marvel is somehow tied to the Quantum Realm itself.