
Revenge Of The Sith’s Order 66 Was Initially Supposed To Be More Gruesome

Would a Rated-R Star Wars work?.

The Star Wars prequels were s–t… well, two of them were at least. Revenge of the Sith was probably the only film among the Star Wars prequel trilogy that can be considered ‘good’. It’s by no means amazing but it still had some good moments, moments of which got the film a PG-13, the first in the franchise to do so. The Jedi massacre was pretty intense but it was apparently supposed to be far more intense.

We all remember the slaughter of the younglings  in the film in which Palpatine played by Ian McDiarmid called for the execution of Order 66, seeing the massacre of the Jedi. Anakin’s turn had him kill the younglings and although we didn’t actually see him slaughtering them in violent manner, that wasn’t really the initial plan.

According to Comicbook, McDiarmid revealed during the FanX convention in Salt Lake City, Utah that the Jedi massacre was supposed to be far more gruesome. He said on Order 66:

“I think it was a little more gruesome than you ended up seeing, you know. A lot of young potential Jedi ended up on the cutting room floor.”

He explained that it had to be toned down and felt that it was a good move in doing so to avoid a harsher rating. Well, there’s a huge chance the film would have gotten an R-rating and it would make sense for the film to avoid that. Star Wars was never meant to be Saving Private Ryan and whatever your opinion is on the prequels, the Jedi massacre was still a pretty heavy scene.

We probably won’t be getting an R-rated Star Wars film anytime soon but it would be pretty cool to see one. Recent R-rated comic book films have proven to be successful both critically and commercially with the likes of Logan and the Deadpool films. Having a Rated-R Star Wars film would be kinda weird since Star Wars is supposed to be a space adventure but hell, some may be open to it.


Source: Comicbook