
Olivia Munn Says Shane Black Hasn’t Spoken To Her Since She Blew Whistle On Sex Offender Cast In The Predator

The actress alerted Fox after learning that a registered sex offender had been cast in the rebooted franchise.

An actor in The Predator reboot was a registered sex offender, and it was one of his famous colleagues who turned him into the studio. Olivia Munn discovered Steven Wilder Striegel, a friend of The Predator director Shane Black who’d acted in one of the film’s scenes with her, had pleaded guilty in 2010 for trying to lure a 14-year-old girl online into a sexual relationship.

She alerted 20th Century Fox, which initially didn’t return her call. She followed up, and the scene was eventually cut. Since then, Munn says she’s “getting the cold shoulder,” from fellow cast members and Black, who hasn’t spoken to her. “It’s a very lonely feeling to be sitting here by myself,” Munn told the Hollywood Reporter during a promo interview Saturday in which only 11-year-old co-star Jacob Tremblay showed up to sit next to her.

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“I do feel like I’ve been treated by some people that I’m the one who went to jail or I’m the one that put this guy on set,” she added.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, some other actors from the film The Predator backed out of interviews after the news came out that the scene was dropped when Olivia Munn complained to the studio. The film’s director Shane Black, who is a friend of the offender Steven Striegel, also didn’t attend the premiere in Toronto.

He released a statement where he said: “I apologise to all of those, past and present, I’ve let down by having Steve around them without giving them a voice in the decision.” Fox said they weren’t aware of Striegel’s background when they hired him.

Source: THR