
Captain America Was Originally Set To Arrive At The End Of Infinity War

Fans would’ve been outraged if Cap had gotten minimal screen time.

Chris Evans’ Captain America was initially set for a very late entrance in Avengers: Infinity War. Directors Anthony and Joe Russo and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have on numerous occasions stated that the reason they wanted to do Captain America: Civil War before adding Thanos into the mix is because they wanted our beloved heroes to be at their lowest point before facing their greatest threat.

Infinity War starts a few years after the events of Civil War, as a result. Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark leads his colony of superheroes, whilst Steve Rogers is busy traveling the world with his own Secret Avengers team. They finally come together relatively early on in the film, however, there was a point in the scripting process where the powers to be wanted to introduce Captain America much, much later.

Image result for captain america infinity war

All of this is revealed in the audio commentary on the Avengers: Infinity War Blu-ray release. Joe Russo mentioned that they worked hard to give Steve Rogers a grand entrance in the film, a huge reason as to why they chose the train scene in Scotland. However, Stephen McFeely revealed that there were drafts in which they delayed Rogers’ entrance. One of those drafts had Steve make his entrance in the film towards the very end. According to Christopher Markus, his first appearance in the movie was originally when he tackles Corvus Glaive during the Battle of Wakanda.

Per the creative team, there wasn’t anything for them to model this movie off of, and as a result, they had to start from scratch and go through a trial and error process. Steve Rogers’ entrance was obviously one of the things that was moved around a lot. In the end, the creative team opted against a delayed entrance, as fans would’ve been outraged at Cap having very minimal screen time.

Given the critical success of Infinity War, it’s safe to assume that the creative team made the right decision here.

Avengers 4 drops in cinemas next year.