The next episode of the MCU hit cinemas last month, pitting Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against their gravest threat yet. While featuring an all-star cast of characters from across the MCU, there were a number of comic book heroes sorely missed in the latest franchise installment. A post-credits scene hints towards the cosmic being Captain Marvel but why hasn’t she been in the MCU yet?
Joe and Anthony Russo spoke about their decision to leave Captain Marvel out of the film while speaking on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. Asked if they ever considered her for the film, Joe replied: “No, we want to save her reveal”.
Anthony continued: “We also wanted to, it was very important to us to commit… we wanted to commit to this ending very hard,”. “We didn’t want to go past the ending very much.”
“And we considered not doing any tags. For that reason,” Joe said. “Then we thought maybe it was too brutal. Everything’s about trying to find balance.”
During the post-credits scene of Infinity War, we get the briefest of hints that Captain Marvel is somewhere out there in the universe. As Thanos clicks his fingers and wipes half the universe from existence, it seems all hope is lost. In the moments before crumbling to dust, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) desperately tries to contact someone using a retro-looking pager. The pager falls to the ground and we see it apparently reach its contact, as the Captain Marvel insignia and signature colours flash on its little screen.
The Russo brothers remained coy on whether Captain Marvel will play a pivotal role in the future of the MCU. Joe said: “I mean, all of these characters are. It’s hard to talk about the next one. We’re going to try to protect the secrets of that one the same way that we did on this one.”
“She will be a part of the MCU at that point,” Anthony said. “And part of the promise of these movies is that they are a road forward for all the films.”
Fans won’t have to wait too long though, as Brie Larson will debut as Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel, which is due for release in March 2019.
Source: Happy Sad Confused Podcast