Avengers: Infinity War has already sold out more than 1,000 screens in the US ahead of its Thursday debut, according to ticket retailer Fandango. Fandango announced on Twitter that the upcoming film has already sold more advance tickets on the online ticketing service than the last seven Marvel movies combined. Infinity War has also sold more than twice as many tickets on Fandango as Black Panther two weeks before its release, according to Fandango managing editor Erik Davis.
In response to the high demand, theater owners continue to add new showings on the site. One reason for this early success is Infinity War acting as the culmination of a decade’s worth of films, according to Shawn Robbins, the chief analyst at BoxOffice.com.
If Infinity War‘s financial success was in any doubt before, the pre-sale numbers more or less guarantee another that Marvel has another huge hit on its hands. The question isn’t about whether Infinity War will be a hit at the box office but rather how many records it’ll break during its run. Financial success, of course, is only half of how Avengers: Infinity War will ultimately be judged. Critical and fan reaction though will make or break this movie. With the early numbers looking promising, there’s an aura of expectation surrounding this movie. The expectations may be high, but if any franchise can meet them, it’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The hotly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War drops in cinemas on April 25.
Source: Screen Rant