Fantastic Four

The Director Of 2015’s Fantastic Four Seems Fine With Erasing The Movie

You wouldn’t want that on your resume.

Josh Trank’s abysmal Fant4stic released in 2015 was… well, abysmal delivering us quite possibly one of the worst comic book adaptations on screen. Hell, even the Fantastic Four films released in the 2000s starring Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis were better and they were pretty crap as well. It’s a shame really cause the film had some solid talent attached to it with the likes of Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell. Sadly, that film has been made and released so there’s not we can do about it but hell, even director Trank would be pretty cool with erasing it from existence.

Responding to a Twitter post about a Kickstarter page which wants to digitally remove the rat from the ending of Martin Scorcese’s The Departed, Trank defended the legendary filmmaker’s choice to have the rat in the film. That’s cool and all cause The Departed is a magnificent film so one very on-the-nose form of symbolism is fine but one Twitter user took things a little further by jokingly asking Trank to follow their GoFundMe page to erase Fan4stic from existence. Trank seemed happy to oblige. Check out the post below:


Well, as much as that film sucked, there’s no way history can be changed (As far as we know) so the film is there forever… at least until the apocalypse. However, we may see a good film based on the Marvel heroes someday perhaps after Disney’s acquisition of Fox’s properties including the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Also, there is even a chance we might see The Big Short director Adam McKay helm a Silver Surfer film… hopefully.