
Infinity War Theory Suggests Thanos Kept From Killing Guardians In Titan

What a nice guy.

Avengers: Endgame is only a few months away but fans are still digging up clues from the previous films to… honestly, I don’t know why they’re doing it but whatever it is, it’s giving us something to write about. From theories suggesting that Red Hulk may appear in the upcoming film to some even theorizing deaths of certain heroes, theories and findings are rampant surrounding what would happen in Endgame. This recent finding on the other hand suggests something different, something that some of us may not have noticed when viewing last year’s monstrously successful Avengers: Infinity War.

As we all know, Thanos killed half the population in Infinity War including a number of our heroes. We all know that s–t went down near the end of the film but apparently, Thanos was kind of a nice guy to some of our heroes or at least until the end of the film as one Reddit user notes.

Reddit user u/bondoh shares a theory suggesting that Thanos deliberately spared some of the Guardians members for a little while, which you could read in its entirety here. Thanos could control the intensity of the Power Stone and with that in mind, he could have done some crazy s–t. The Stone can wipe out planets but when he uses it to take down Star-Lord, Drax and Nebula back when they were going at it in Titan, they seem very much alive. The user found this weird but he went back to check out the shot frame by frame, he noticed that, in the next shot, the Soul Stone was briefly glowing.

In other words, the Stone was active but not just activated, it was used to save Star-Lord, Drax and Nebula from dying from the Power Stone blast. Or maybe someone f–ked up during production or post-production but hell, no one’s gonna notice and if they do, we’ll come up with something to hide their incompetency.

In all honesty though, Thanos could just have just wanted to dust the earth fairly without any particular bias so that could be it. Or perhaps, it had something to do with Gamora. After all, the Guardians are her pals and well, maybe to honor her, he decided to spare them… for a while.  We’re still gonna get a ton of these Infinity War theories until Endgame comes out so for the love of god, please come sooner Endgame.

Source: u/bondoh/Reddit