The trailer for The Raid director, Gareth Evans upcoming action horror film Apostle just dropped and it looks messed up in the best way imaginable. Set in the year 1905, the film follows Thomas Richardson (Dan Stevens) as he travels to a remote island to rescue his sister who’s been kidnapped by a mysterious cult demanding a ransom for her return. From here, a bunch of crazy s–t goes down as Richardson delves deeper into the secrets of the commune.
From the trailer, we see some pretty messed up imagery and torture along with some cool action. We get a little glimpse of the commune and at times, things seem pretty alright with some religious imagery thrown in there but of course, things are much more sinister than they seem. We see some blood and witness a little glimpse of the secrets this cult has to offer along with some good old fashioned torture and execution.
Sounds like a fun ride. From the get go, we get a horror-thriller vibe and it’s definitely looking to deliver that as it’s both intriguing and harrowing. However, we see a little fight scene and it wouldn’t be a surprise if we see a little bit of action thrown in there since Evans has experience in that department having directed the masterful Raid film. The trailer doesn’t really reveal all that much about the plot and that’s great cause a film like this looks mysterious albeit not so subtlety and it’s best kept that way for now.
Yeah, this is something to look forward to on Netflix and it’s probably going to be something to really look forward to as one of the best films of the year.
Apostle will be released on Netflix on October 12. 2018
Source: Netflix