We finally managed to get a glimpse of the upcoming Aquaman film from director James Wan set to be released later this year. The film stars Jason Momoa as the titular character, Amber Heard as Queen Mera, Patrick Wilson as Orm, Nicole Kidman as Queen Atlanna and more. There are plenty of ways this film could go and it’s a wonder how things are going to work out especially in regards to the characters.
Speaking to Fandango, Wan discussed the trailer for the film offering some insight as to what the film would be bringing to the table. One of the things he discussed would be the romance between Arthur Curry AKA Aquaman and Mera, providing a little contrast between that and the romance between Tom Curry and Queen Atlanna. He said:
“I know a lot of fans are excited for the love story between Arthur and Mera, but for me, the movie is as much, if not more, the love story between Tom Curry and Queen Atlanna, how Queen Atlanna, from a completely different kingdom, far more civilized, so to speak, than we are, could fall in love with a simple human being on the surface. A surface dweller…”
Well, this does sound familiar but with Wan claiming the film to be “much, if not more” a love story between the two characters, this film could be far different that most DCEU flicks. Its pretty clear that the film would not be emphasizing this relationship that birthed Arthur Curry but it might just offer a comparison between the relationship in the past and the relationship in the present between Arthur and Mera. He explains:
“Romancing the Stone is the one that was my very early aspiration. Very Kathleen Turner meets the roguish charm of Michael Douglas. I think it works nicely because Amber’s character is supposed to be very prim and proper. She’s of royal upbringing, and she is not a fan of the surface world. So she thumbs her nose down at everything in the surface world. For Arthur, he’s Jason Momoa, so he’s larger than life. He’s big and all that. So I think their own personal dynamics are really what make for a fun dynamic.”
Romancing the Stone seems to mentioned a lot including by Jason Momoa who also described Aquaman as Stars Wars but underwater, so we can assume that their relationship is one that we can look forward to. It’s certain that we are going to see some fun interactions between the two but hopefully it doesn’t seem tacked on or whatever. We probably won’t be getting a romance film to the heights of greats such as Before Sunrise or Her but hopefully we’ll be able to get something along the likes of or at least close to Han and Leia.
Source: Fandango