
Russos Explain Black Order’s Lack Of Screen Time

Black Order’s limited screen time was a minor talking point coming out of the movie.

While there’s plenty to rave about when it comes to Avengers: Infinity War, there are a few niggling gripes that some have. One of those is how little screen time went into exploring the Black Order. This group of villains made up of Thanos’ ‘children’ served as the leaders of his invasion of earth, but outside of Ebony Maw, they got very little time to shine. During a Q & A at Iowa City High School, directors Joe and Anthony Russo explained what their thinking was with regard to fleshing out the Black Order.

Avengers: Infinity War featured little of the Black Order because the Marvel blockbuster was already populated by a large cast of superheroes, Joe Russo told students during a Q&A at Iowa City High School. Russo had this to say.

I think people have been waiting 10 years to have the Marvel heroes together in a 2-and-a-half hour film. So if I started to go into the history of them — that’s a whole other movie all together. I felt like they did their jobs in the film. And the audience got enough of them in the film — as much as they needed them in the film. As much as I like those characters, and as much as I like the comic books, I feel that if I started delving into their backstory it would become unwatchable. [There are] only so many characters you can keep in your head.

As for how relatively easily they were dispatched of in Infinity War, Russo is very clear on why they weren’t more complex threats for our Avengers.

Thanos is the true bad guy of the movie. You don’t want the sub-villains overshadowing the supervillain. And we want to save him for the final showdown between him and the heroes. They weren’t easy to dispatch all of them — it certainly took a few nasty fights.

It certainly makes sense as to why this group had very little screen time. Infinity War is already insanely stacked with superheroes as it is. The last thing it needs is more characters and unnecessary backstories that would serve no other purpose than to be a filler. Having the Black Order as something of a side-act was a wise decision.

Avengers: Infinity War is now playing in theaters.

Source:  Anewthrowaway_quest