Nurflix, Malaysia’s first-ever Syariah-compliant streaming platform was launched today. According to its official website, the streaming platform will be available to the public in January 2021. In a lead up to that, Nurflix will be running a trial phase in the fourth quarter of 2020.
In a press conference (per Lowyat.Net), Chairman of Nurflix.TV, Syed Zainal Abidin said that Nurflix is yet to decide on a monthly fee, but he expects to get all of that sorted out by the end of the year. Nurflix also aims to allocate up to RM 40 million to produce its first 12 original content. Some of the titles announced at a recent launch include Kembara Mahsyar, The Call, Abdullah and The Khadijahs.
The platform aims to garner 1 million views (not to be confused with subscribers) by January 2021. This certainly appears to be a niche platform with a niche target audience, so it’ll be interesting to keep track of the platform’s growth.