
Nobody Knows What The Runtime Of Avengers: Infinity War Is

So many conflicting reports!

We know that Disney is very secretive when it comes to their properties. This is especially true when it comes to Star Wars and Marvel — The Russo Brothers actually wrote a letter pleading fans not to spoil the movie once they’ve watched it. But a secret runtime? Now that just takes things to a whole different level. But that seems to be the case with Avengers: Infinity War. 

Nobody seems to know what’s the exact runtime of Avengers: Infinity War. Early rumours suggested a 2 hours and 30 minutes runtime, but as it turns out that figure was just a placeholder or a rough estimate. And then a few weeks ago, Collider’s Matt Goldberg reported that the actual runtime is six minutes longer than the initial rumour.  However, when asked by Screenrant, Disney did not confirm the 2 hours and 36 minutes reported runtime as the film wasn’t finalised yet.

Now, there are more conflicting reports. The Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO) has stated on their official website that the runtime is 149 minutes (2 hours and 29 minutes). #Plottwist. But statements released by the Indonesian censorship board seem to support Collider’s report. The Indonesian Censorship Board has came out and said that they’ll be cutting seven minutes out of the 156 minutes (2 hours and 36 minutes) runtime.

Seriously, though? Why talk about 149 minutes and 156 minutes? Bring on the 10-hour superhypermega extended edition!!