It’s one hell of an era to be a comic book fan. Back in the early 2000s, we used to get one comic book movie a year, if any. In 2017, we have FIVE. This year has brought us some of the best comic book movies of all time, but at the same time, there are also some that are complete disappointments.
Surprisingly, this was a particularly easy list to rank.
Without further ado, here are the 8 comic book movies of 2017 ranked from worst to best.
8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

I honestly can’t even remember what this movie is about. The first Guardians of the Galaxy was a refreshing experience. While the rest of the MCU films feel similar to one another (not that that’s a bad thing), Guardians of the Galaxy is completely different. It is in every sense of the word batshit crazy. It is also easily the funniest MCU movie to date.
Unlike the first movie, the sequel, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, forgoes story and organic humour, and replaces it with forced fart jokes every 0.2 seconds. There is no journey and arc for our characters, only a stage to deliver unfunny lines.
Also, what’s the purpose of the gold people who keep popping up out of nowhere, again?
7. Thor: Ragnarok
People love this movie. I don’t.
Thor: Ragnarok works as a singular movie. It’s a smartly written comedy, directed by an auteur, Taika Waititi, whose thumbprints are visible in every frame. But as a film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it feels out of place. Thor: Ragnarok feels like a parody, rather than a Thor movie-proper.
Why is Thor cracking jokes while talking to the fire demon, Surtur? It’s a comedy. I get it. But the Thor movies have never been comedies. And Thor has never been a comedian. Are you telling me that after Loki “died” in Thor: The Dark World, Thor went for comedy classes to cope with his sadness? Hmm, now that I think of it, it kinda makes sense.
Not to mention, this film also completely ruined Hulk. Hulk is one of the more complex characters in the MCU and the Marvel comics, in general. Bruce Banner is a troubled individual with his powers being more of a curse than a blessing. He’s someone who always has to keep his emotions in check or risk absolute carnage. The internal struggle of Bruce Banner/Hulk is what makes this character engaging. In Thor: Ragnarok, Bruce Banner is a comedian and Hulk is cute.
But there’s no denying that unlike many other MCU film, this isn’t made on a conveyor belt in a fast food restaurant (this is neither a comment nor a compliment). This is purely a TAIKA WAITITI film and perhaps that in and of itself, deserves praise.
6. Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle

Kingsman 2 is a fun film, but just like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, it is a major drop in standard when compared to its predecessor. The first movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service works like a satire on classic spy movies — readymade with an actual princess spreading her butt for our hero. Not only is The Secret Service filled with Matthew Vaughn-isms, it also tells a simple but effective story.
The Golden Circle, is Matthew Vaughn-isms on steroid, which is still a lot of fun, but not nearly as impactful. The movie also suffers from shallow storytelling — I get it; drugs are bad — and underdeveloped characters.
There are plenty of memorable moments in The Golden Circle like that scene where Mark Strong sings John Denver’s classic Take Me Home, Country Roads, before he blows himself up to smithereens. Or the extended action sequence at Poppy’s (Julianne Moore) secret headquarters. However, once you leave the cinema, there just isn’t much to talk about.
5. The Lego Batman Movie

If you asked me a few years ago if an animated Lego movie featuring Batman would be a good idea, I would’ve laughed my ass off. The idea of a Lego movie, in general, seemed preposterous.
In 2014, Warner Bros did the preposterous and holy shit is The Lego Movie awesome! The Lego Batman Movie is just as awesome, with many calling it the best Batman movie ever made outside of The Dark Knight. While I won’t go as far as to say that, there’s no denying that this is indeed one hell of a Batman film.
It is a Batman film that is quite clearly written and directed by huge Batman fans. The Lego Batman Movie is a comedy, one that constantly pokes fun at this popular comic book hero, not in a derogatory sense, but a celebratory one.
4. Justice League
Justice League is a clear by-product of many behind the scenes issues that have plagued the DCEU for the past couple of years. The credits might read directed by Zack Snyder, but don’t let that fool you; this is a Frankenstein created by Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon and a bunch of different Warner Bros executives.
This should have been one of the better comic book movies of all time. It isn’t. The plot is thin and the characters, especially the villain, are hardly explored. Steppenwolf is not more than a prop — a punching bag for our heroes.
But despite its thin plot and mediocrely written characters, this movie works, pretty well. The performances are great across the board and the team has fantastic chemistry. And because the plot is as simple as it gets, there aren’t many plot holes.
Justice League is a popcorn blockbuster. It’s a very fun one, but it is just that. It works well as a transition movie; one that teases a bright future for the DCEU.
3. Spider-Man: Homecoming
There have been other great Spider-Man movies in the past, particularly Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2. Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man is half decent, as well. However, neither Tobey Maguire nor Andrew Garfield, were particularly believable Peter Parkers. Or at the very least, they’re nothing like the titular character from the comics.
Then came Tom Holland. Just like how Hugh Jackman is THE Wolverine and Robert Downey Jr is THE Iron Man, Tom Holland is THE definitive Spider-Man. He’s great. Spider-Man: Homecoming is an awesome coming of age story about a young boy who wants to tango with the big boys AKA The Avengers, but learns that his true purpose is to protect the little guy.
While the final battle between Vulture and Spider-Man is a huge letdown, the rest of the movie is a joy to watch. Interestingly, the parts involving Peter Parker without the suit is more interesting than the parts involving the fully costumed Spider-Man.
2. Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is a feminist film, both in its themes and the way it is shot. In one scene, Diana tells Steve Trevor, “it’s concluded that men are integral for reproduction, but unnecessary for the purposes of pleasure.”
This is an interesting line of dialogue as it touches on girl-on-girl sexual intercourse (and possibly masturbation as well). It is a popular belief among men, that women need the penis to be inserted in them to experience sexual pleasure. Guess what, bruvs? They do not NEED us. Our penis isn’t that mighty.
And because Wonder Woman is shot by a female, Patty Jenkins, there is an absence of male gaze shots in the movie. Unlike films like Transformers, there are no extended shots in which the camera lingers on Diana’s boobs or ass.
Wonder Woman has etched itself in the history books. And while I don’t consider it to be in the same league as The Dark Knight Trilogy, Captain America: Civil War and Logan, because the third act is a letdown, it is still one of the better comic book movies ever made; definitely one of the most important.
1. Logan
Logan, very much like Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight transcends the comic book genre. Unlike Justice League, Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Logan isn’t interested in being bombastic. This is a realistic tale about once powerful men coming to terms with their mortality.
Everybody dreams of becoming Wolverine; to have claws and be able to heal all wounds in an instant. “Logan” is a story that shows you the sufferings that come with being a superhero – when everyone you love is dead and gone and you’ve lost your cause for living. Everybody dreams of becoming Professor X; to be able to read and control minds. “Logan” deals with the repercussions of having the most powerful mind in the world when you’re at the age where you’re unable to control it.