Avengers: Infinity War included pretty much every single noteworthy protagonist introduced in previous Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, save for Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie and Adam Warlock, a character we caught a glimpse of in the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Some fans considered this omission peculiar, considering the importance of the Adam Warlock character in the comics. In the Infinity Gauntlet comic books, Adam Warlock defeats Thanos after the futile efforts of The Avengers. However, it looks like it was never part of the Russo brothers’ plans to include Adam Warlock in Avengers: Infinity War.
In a Q&A at Iowa City High School, the Russo brothers had this to say:
“That’s a James Gunn thing. We never intended to put Adam Warlock in Infinity War. We have so many heroes we have to service that you guys love and give them screen time, because you want to see the hero and villain have an emotional connection. You wouldn’t have a connection to [Warlock], he doesn’t have a connection with Thanos and built-up story.”

12 And despite so many people thinking Adam will show up in Vol 3 that is something that we have never confirmed. Who knows how long it will take him to bake in that cocoon. That said, I love Adam. But the time must be right.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) November 21, 2017