
TENET vs COVID-19: Christopher Nolan Film to Release in Malaysia in August, Before the US

The ongoing battle between COVID-19 and Christopher Nolan’s Tenet continues. Christopher Nolan has been one of the filmmakers who has been adamant about releasing his upcoming mindbender this summer. For the longest time, Warner Bros and Nolan did not budge from their July 17th release date, despite the rising cases of COVID-19 in the United States. But eventually, the filmmaker had to concede… sorta. Well, the date was first pushed back to July 31st and when it became increasingly obvious that the health crisis will not be resolved by that date, the studio pushed it back to August 11th. However, that didn’t seem like a logical release date either, and finally a few days ago, it looked like the studio had finally bit the bullet and postponed it indefinitely.

Alas, it looks like that was merely a timeout called by Warner Bros to regroup and re-strategise in their battle against the deadly virus. It looks like Tenet will be releasing this summer after all, outside of the US at least. According to Variety, Warner Bros announced that Tenet is opening in theatres at the end of August in 70 countries across the world, including Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, UK and Malaysia. The film is pencilled to be released in the US on September 3rd. Warner Bros is still waiting for the green light from China, which recently said that only movies that are 2 hours and shorter can be screened in their cinemas, as they do not want people to gather in closed spaces for a prolonged period of time. Tenet has a runtime of 150 minutes.

Check out Tenet‘s global release plan below:

Wednesday, Aug. 26:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom

Thursday, Aug. 27:
Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Lebanon, Malaysia, Middle East, New Zealand, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates

Friday, Aug. 28:
East Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Vietnam

Wednesday, Sept. 3:
United States, Kuwait and Qatar

Thursday, Sept. 10:
Azerbaijan, CIS Others, Kazakhstan, Russia

Thursday, Sept. 17:

Friday, Sept. 18:

Dates TBD:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Uruguay, Venezuela