Suicide Squad Director Shares Unseen Shot and Fresh Details About the Film
A few days ago, director Zack Snyder officially announced that the Justice League Snyder Cut is indeed in the works, and will be dropping on HBO Max in 2021. It’s something a pocket of DC fans has been clamouring for, for years. The news has also renewed interest in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, with many, including Ayer himself wondering if HIS original and unbutchered version of the 2016 critically and financially panned filmwill ever see the light of day.
Ayer is not new to sharing details about the Suicide Squad that could’ve been if it wasn’t for the studio-ordered reshoots and re-edits. But recently, he revealed information that is drastically different from the movie we ended up getting. In a tweet, David Ayer said that Diablo was supposed to survive and that Harley and Deadshot hooked up as a couple.
“Diablo survived originally. Harley and Deadshot hooked up as a couple. This was changed during reshoots.”
I’m somewhat confident that Ayer’s original version of the film would’ve been better than the hot mess that we actually got. That said, I’m not sure how I feel about Harley and Deadshot hooking up. The problem isn’t with them hooking up in and of itself, but rather how fast it would’ve happened within the DCEU. Do we need to see Harley and Deadshot hook up this fast, without first exploring the depths of her toxic relationship with Joker?
Putting that aside, in a previous Tweet, Ayer revealed that much of Harley Quinn’s story had been altered for “political” reasons.
“Sadly her story arc was eviscerated. It was her movie in so many ways. Look I tried. I rendered Harley comic book accurate. Everything is political now. Everything. I just want to entertain. I will do better.”
Unfortunately, David Ayer did not mention what exactly about the way he wrote Harley Quinn was considered “politically incorrect.”
Apart from the stuff on Harley Quinn, David Ayer also recently released a never before seen shot of Jared Leto’s Joker from Suicide Squad.