With Terminator Genisys underperforming at the box office along with its negative critical reception, it’s a wonder where the iconic franchise would head to now. It turns out the war against Skynet won’t stop anytime soon as as its iconic creator James Cameron would return to the series with the addition of Deadpool director Tim Miller.
Although information is scarce on this matter, it looks like Cameron won’t be returning to the director’s chair but will play an integral role in the production. Not much is revealed of the plot but it’s been told that the previous three films post-Terminator 2 will be ignored, possibly tying into the narrative of time travel commonly associated with the franchise. Linda Hamilton will also return and will star alongside Mackenzie Davis from Blade Runner 2049.
Speaking with Collider, Cameron discusses how this new film will be different, saying:
“We’re developing a new Terminator film. And The Terminator films are all about artificial intelligence. But I would say we’re looking at it differently than when I wrote the first story in 1982. That was just your classic ‘technology bad, smart computers bad’ kind of thing. Nowadays though — it’s got to be a much more nuanced perspective. So its ‘Smart computers bad… BUT…’ That’s the new motif.”

Although it will be great to have the franchise back to its creator, the addition of Tim Miller would likely provide a chance of seeing The Terminator franchise going back to its Rated-R roots. One of the aspects that made Deadpool so enjoyable was its crass humor and over the top violence. Miller will definitely be able to entertain in this regard bringing the franchise back to its glory.
The new Terminator film is set to be released on November 22nd, 2019.
Source: Collider